Is Anyone Else Nervous About ‘Knives Out 2’?

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With Kate Hudson now joining the cast of Knives Out 2, things are officially getting out of hand. The original KNIVES OUT was the unexpected gem that studios and producers strive for. The film was incredible. A perfect date movie or family movie in my opinion. It had humor, mystery and drama all packed together in an understated way, which captivated everyone who saw it. Alas, the franchise-obsessed powers at be wanted to capitalize on this. Netflix ponied up $469 million to make this hit into a franchise, and now we have 2 sequels on the way.

The reason I am nervous is that the cast is almost becoming TOO stacked at this point. We now have Daniel Craig returning, plus Kate Hudson, Leslie Odom Jr., Dave Bautista, Ed Norton, Kathryn Hahn, and Janelle Monae. I’m waiting to hear that Brad Pitt and Leo are joining any day now. I mean what started off as a diamond in the rough is now being turned into an all-star cast with every spotlight in town pointing towards them and adding to the hype. Maybe it’s the old soul in me, but I’m concerned a sequel is gonna ruin a good thing. I’m nervous that the charm of the first film will be lost in these sequels. Like how can you possibly replicate the originality of KNIVES OUT in a sequel? I simply don’t think it’s possible.


I’ll for sure end up watching KNIVES OUT 2 like everyone else, but I’m already preparing to be disappointed. I get it, this is a business after all, but for once, I would’ve appreciated a good original film being left alone.


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